Kimberly Grandinetti, M.D., FAAP
Timothy Crum, M.D., FAAP
Kristin Edgehouse, D.O., FAAP
Andrea Durham, CBS, ICCE
Veronica Jessick, M.D.
315 W 9th Ave, Suite 200, Spokane, WA 99204
Fax (509) 290-6820
Telehealth appointments are available for patients with specific health care issues.
Spokane Pediatrics providers will be offering telehealth appointments. You will need to download the telemedicine consent form, Sign this form and upload it to your child's patient portal. If you do not have a patient portal login, please call our office to enroll in the portal (if you have let your password link expire we can help with that too!). If your child is 13 years or older or you would prefer to not use the patient portal, and would like to sign up for telehealth, please download a consent form and email (, mail, or fax it to our office. Please confirm with your insurance provider that telehealth visits are covered under your policy.
Please note that telehealth appointments will be scheduled during certain times of the day, so please call our office to schedule an appointment first. At, or near, the time of your appointment a link will be sent via text to your cell phone. Click on the link and it will connect you to the telehealth appointment.
TIPS for a Successful Telehealth Appointment:
Lighting is important! Be in a well lit room, by a window or with a lamp in front of you
Have the following handy: a recent weight for your child, a temperature taken with your thermometer, a flashlight, a current list of medications and allergies, paper and pen- to take notes with.
Things you will likely be asked: When did it start? When did it worsen? Where does it hurt? What makes it worse or better? Have you tried any at-home treatments? What worries you the most?
If you are scheduled for a telehealth Med Check (ADHD/Anxiety/Depression) you may be asked to complete a screening form under Resources.